Lego Class – PreK Age Kids

Lego Class - PreK Age Kids


August 14, 2024    
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm


Club Joyful
2121 Lincoln Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90291, CA

Event Type

In this engaging LEGO Class for Pre-K Children, young minds will be captivated as they explore the world of building and creativity! This class is designed to stimulate and develop various foundational skills through fun and interactive LEGO activities.

What the Class Offers:

  • Early Learning Foundations: Children will practice essential skills such as letter recognition, size comparison, and shape and color identification. These activities support their cognitive development and enhance their understanding of basic concepts.
  • Counting and Placement: Through building and arranging LEGO pieces, children will improve their counting skills and learn about spatial placement. This hands-on approach helps them grasp numerical concepts and develop fine motor skills.
  • Vocabulary Expansion: As they interact with different LEGO elements, children will be introduced to new vocabulary, enriching their language skills and helping them articulate their thoughts more clearly.
  • Patterning and Creativity: The class encourages children to explore patterns and sequences while constructing their creations. This fosters their problem-solving abilities and nurtures their creativity as they experiment with various designs and structures.

Children will not only have fun but will also gain valuable educational benefits from this interactive and stimulating class. It’s a fantastic opportunity for them to build foundational skills while indulging in their love for building and play.

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