October Full Moon Meditation & Sound Bath


October 17, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


FLIHH Holistic Wellness Studio
616 South Del Mar Avenue #K San Gabriel, K San Gabriel, California, 91776, CA

Event Type

The October Full Moon Meditation & Sound Bath will center around the energy of the Hunter’s Moon. This full moon, rooted in Native American traditions, was named for the time when tribes would hunt to build up their food supplies in preparation for winter. Although modern life no longer revolves around the lunar cycle, many still experience a shift in energy as the season transitions toward winter. The Hunter’s Moon represents a time of reflection and preparation—a chance to review the efforts made throughout the year, evaluate what has been beneficial, and let go of what no longer serves us.

This special meditation and sound bath offers participants a gentle inward journey, designed to cultivate deep self-gratitude and clarity. It provides a peaceful space to contemplate personal growth, acknowledge achievements, and realign with future goals. Through guided meditation, attendees will be encouraged to assess what they wish to carry forward, what they are ready to release, and what intentions they want to set as the season changes. Affirmations will be included to empower participants on their personal path, offering inspiration and support as they move forward. This session serves as a meaningful opportunity to realign with one’s inner self and embrace the transformative energy of the Hunter’s Moon.

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